Social Media Marketing & Covid-19

Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic is a global phenomenon that our generation has never experienced before. All of us, without exception, as well as companies were found to take unprecedented measures. Both home restriction and closure of shops and businesses have brought about significant changes in our daily lives. But what was the behavior of consumers during the closure? How should modern businesses react to the new reality?

Social Media Marketing & Covid-19

According to official GRECA statistics, during the social distasting measures, the use of social media (Facebook and Instagram) had increased by + 70%. Users stayed connected either because they watched events and events streamed online (live streaming), or because they chose to enjoy themselves and communicate with their friends. While the weekly expenditure of Greeks in March (at the beginning of the quarantine) on Online Stores, increased up to 134%.

And it continued in April, with a weekly growth rate of 171% (the comparison is always made with the same period of 2019).

Evaluating the change in online spending from the first 9 weeks to have increased six times in turnover in weeks 10th to 18th of the year, it seems that e-commerce in our country has now entered a new trajectory.

Sectors such as tourism and clothing saw the largest drop in turnover while sectors such as supermarkets, butchers and pharmacies show a spectacular increase. With physical stores closed, shoppers turned to online shopping more than ever. Of course, this gave a greater advantage to the already established e-shops but at the same time it was the biggest incentive for companies that don’t have one, to gain an online presence and invest in digital marketing.

Today we all hope that the pandemic will end at some point, but what we do not know is the consequences it will have on both our society and economy.

We have also noticed that the attention of all of us (businesses, employees, teachers, professors, students, children, parents, grandparents) has been almost entirely focused on the use of the internet. For work, for pleasure, for study, for communication, the electronic world is in the forefront. Did this situation finally come to stay?

With the widespread use of Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube etc. users continue to constantly exchange views, evaluate products, leave reviews and comments, influencing the opinions and consequently the buying behavior of consumers. Based on the above statistics, I believe companies should see the benefits of the digital age and come closer to their customers, seizing the opportunity to enter new markets that will increase their profits and of course their sales.

The key, definitely lies in communicating with the consumer, and now more than ever, in his digital approach through Social Networks.

Τhe article was written by Mania Nine

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