Facebook and Instagram outage for a few hours? Which businesses were affected and how?
Small and medium businesses have a drop in reported conversions—by people clicking on Facebook ads to a brands’ site to make a conversion. Many of them, especially e-shops rely on income from purchases made from Facebook ads.

For many countries around the globe, it was prime-time for consumers to be buying products online. Enterprises have missed out on a day of sales, making it harder to hit sales goals of the month.
Ad delivery dropped off dramatically and they are slowly returning, hitting half the usual amount of campaigns delivered, as Jason Jutla, head of media activation EMEA at Essence told on Adweek.
This also let marketers unable to use the APIs (which are at the heart of how interaction is made with the platforms), manage advertising campaigns, and see a return on recently published posts.
What happens also when ads work so well and they start over again?
Many small businesses are reliant on Facebook and Instagram, whereas Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and Snapchat might start to seem good alternatives for both driving revenue and building brand awareness.
Let's hope that this was simply a small unfortunate event of Facebook and it just continues growing and being the number one social media channel around the globe.