Ways to find the best hashtags for your brand

Hashtags are the latest trend in social media in the last few years. Almost every post of a page or a public profile can be accompanied by a similar hashtag (#).

It is a powerful tool to help you promote your business, increase user engagement, gain more loyalty and attract more followers as more users can discover you.

It is important to use them wisely, have a specific strategy and target specific audiences.

#1: Research

Research, is what you should do, in order to have the best possible result.

The best way is to look at what kind of hashtags are already being used by your audience, competitors and industry leaders.

#2: Influencers

Find out the hashtags that your top fans/engagers or even influencers use. There are a lot of influencers in your niche who are both popular and highly relevant to your audience. You can find these hashtags by searching Instagram and Twitter and simply scan through influencer posts to see which hashtags they're using.

You will be amazed at the outcomes you can have from niche hashtags!

#3: Check your audience

Check a few of the habits your audience have and which keywords your viewer’s find interesting and try to understand the way they are thinking.

#4: Top trends

By hitting the search, we can see which are the most used ones or even the trends on Twitter. 

Using also links like Hashtags.org to check the trending hashtags will help you in our mini research.

#5: Be as simple as you can

Instead of using the most popular ones, it is better to find and use hashtags that are smaller, more specialized so us for you to have a dedicated audience related to your business. Using a relevant hashtag to your product, is mandatory to attract a specific audience. It could also help a quick description of your product.

The hashtag must be clear when it comes to the message it delivers. It should match the event or campaign you intend to use it in. Don’t let it be vague or confusing.

#6: Be authentic

We can even create your own branded hashtag for a specific campaign or just showcase your company culture, products or services.

Select a tagline that is appealing, unique, and matches your target audience. Create a unique hashtag that matches your unique company, by creating a trend on your own. 

So, if you have not been using hashtags, now it’s the time to start using them to maximize your profits.

Τhe article was written by Giannis Doukas

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